
Norfolk Hockey Summer Sessions - Development Camps
Managing Covid within Hockey- Return to play guidance from EH - July 21 Ver.1

All hockey organisations COVID OFFICER'S (CO) are to remain in place. Mary Cheesman is the CO for Norfolk Hockey Player Pathway. The CO will lead the COVID-19 response in Return to Play. They are the point of contact for individuals and organisations. However, it is important to remember that the COVID-19 response is not solely the CO responsibility. ALL PARTICIPANTS are opting in to hockey activity and have a responsibility for reducing the risks of COVID-19.
The latest guidance document from EH can be downloaded here; [Managing Covid within Hockey]

Norfolk Hockey Summer Camps 2021                         

Norfolk Hockey Guidance in Relation to COVID-19 for the Summer
19th July 2021 (Subject to change)
Taverham Recreation Facility


Know the names and contact details of Norfolk Hockey COVID Officers (at the bottom of this text)

Self-assess before attending.  If you, or someone you have been in contact with, experience COVID-19 symptoms (high temperature - above 37.8°C -  new continuous cough, loss of/change of smell or taste) or develop COVID, please do not attend the camp and contact us.

Use hand sanitiser/thoroughly wash hands


Approach the pitches on the left hand side of the club house – follow the arrows.
Players' temperatures will be checked as part of the registration process. If the temperature is 37.8°C or over, the player will not be permitted to play and will be asked to leave the site.
Parents, once the player is on the pitch with coaches, please move away from the entrance area to the pitches.  If you are staying to watch, please still consider social distancing.

Please sanitise hands on entering the pitch enclosure.


The coaching ratio will be 1:12. 

Players, outside play, please still consider social distancing.

If you have to leave the pitch to go to the toilet, use hand sanitiser on leaving and wash hands whilst in the toilet. Use hand sanitiser on returning to the pitch.


Please touch personal belongings only and try to move balls, markers etc with your stick.

Hand sanitiser is available on the pitch.

All equipment and bibs will be cleaned after each session or left for 72 hrs


2 changing rooms/toilets are available for camp participants:1 for girls and 1 for boys in the club house corridor. 1 person will enter each toilet at a time. Soap and paper towels will be available.  Please ensure no toilet paper or paper towels are left on the floor – use the black bin bags. If you have to wait, please observe social distancing.

Toilets are cleaned before each camp.

Indoor Access

There is no other access to the clubhouse.
So please ensure you bring PLENTY TO DRINK.

First Aid

A First Aid kit will be in the pitch enclosure.
First Aiders will have PPE – gloves, aprons, masks  visors.
In the first instance, the player, under guidance, will be asked to apply plasters / ice packs.
Used FA equipment and used PPE will be disposed of in a marked bag.


Players will eat lunch on the grass area.
All rubbish needs to be put in the bins provided. 
Use hand sanitiser on leaving and returning to the pitch.


Use hand sanitiser on leaving the pitch.
Exit towards the car park to the left of the club house near the High School.
Parents, if you are watching, please consider social distancing and do not congregate around the pitch enclosure entrance/exit.


If you need any further information, please contact:
Mary Cheesman
01692 404624

• If you require further info, if you have any concerns or worries, please get in touch
Mary Cheesman
[M] 07956-864076
[T] 01692-404624
[E] pplcoach@norfolk-hockey.co.uk

                    COVID19 - Norfolk Hockey - Data Collection statement can be found here: [Data_Declaration]


Hockey Development

DC / AC 2020-21

Norfolk Hockey run summer Development Centres (DC) and Academy Centres (AC) for the U12 to U17 age groups. The Player Pathway journey starts with players attending summer DCs, qualifying players are then invited to join the Norfolk Academy.

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EH Player Pathway

One Vision; One System

The Player Pathway aims to provide the best possible talent development experiences for all players. 
Find out more information on the England Hockey website.

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